Le sujet: "What machine would you invent to help you solve a problem you have?" (en 15 lignes environ)
My underwear problem
Note: this is fiction (ça c'est ma partie favorite...)
One morning I woke up. I was very stressed: today was my final exam of math. I went down to eat my breakfast then I brushed my teeth. I opened my top-secret drawer where my good-luck underwear were supposed to be.
-"NO!!!" I yelled "Where did I put them?"
-"Mom, Dad have you seen my good-luck underwear, they're white with exactly 101 red hearts?"
-"No. I haven't seen them sweetheart" said my mom "maybe the dog took them."
I was desperate: in less than 30 minutes the test would start. I looked everywhere: in the refrigerator, in the dog house and even in the garbage bin...
-"In 25 five minutes we have to go" said my mom.
Okay, no time to lose.
What if I invent a robot that can find my lucky underwear!
-"I can sell you my electronic workbench but it doesn't come cheap!" said my brother.
I had no choice: -"Okay, how much does it cost?"
-"2000 pesos" said my brother.
-"I told you it doesn't come cheap, but you know it's your choice, it would be a shame to lose those underwear..."
So I paid 2000 pesos and all I had left was one miserable peso standing alone in my piggy bank! Quickly I went to my brother's workshop. BZZ, ZZZ, FZZ, LZZ! I put anything I could find together. Finally the perfect underwear detector was born! It was not very elegant but I had no time to care about the look. I wrote my school address and drew a picture of my underwear. I pressed the activate program.
-"Sweetheart, we're leaving in 2 minutes" yelled my mom.
Rapidly I took any pair of underwear and put it on.
I had to start my test without my lucky underwear. !0 minutes after, there was a knock on the door.
-"Come in" said my teacher.
The humiliation....There was my robot, proudly holding my lucky underwear in front of the whole class.
-"Hello C., I found the underwear you lost!"
My friends burst out laughing and I thought I would die of embarrassment. However the worst was yet to come...
The teacher refused to let me go to the bathroom...So to get good luck, I had to wear them on my head.
What a day!
Quand je vous dis que ma fille a une imagination débordante...D'ailleurs cette rédaction est remontée jusqu'à la direction qui a félicité C. pour son "amazing creativity"...
(J'ai juste corrigé quelques fautes d'orthographe: elle avait écrit "humilation" et "embarassment".)
Vraiment chapeau bas!
RépondreSupprimerHeureusement qu'elle précise que c'est fictif, j'y aurai vraiment cru.
RépondreSupprimer@ homosapiens: Et haut les slips? ;-)
RépondreSupprimer@ sébastien: Ah, toi aussi?
génial !
RépondreSupprimertrès bon.
RépondreSupprimerMademoiselle c. est créative et a des dons de scénariste: son histoire est pleine de charme, d'humour et de rebondissements... avec une larme de suspense.
Laurange et bv: merci pour elle, je transmettrai.
RépondreSupprimerGrandiose! Kafkaïen! Vendez chèrement les droits de tournage! :-))
RépondreSupprimerTu as raison: peut-être qu'on pourra ainsi payer ses études aux US ;-)